Accessibility and Historic Buildings in Vermont Building Codes
Post date: Nov 25, 2013 1:54:24 AM
Please join us for:
Accessibility and Historic Buildings in Vermont Building Codes
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Vermont Technical College - 'Old Schoolhouse'
Randolph, VT
Some of the most common questions builders and designers have are about new accessibility requirements, modifying historic buildings, and in particular modifying historic buildings for greater accessibility.
This seminar seeks to clarify Vermont's building codes by bringing together three experts: from ADA-New England, the preservation community, and the Division of Fire Safety. Presentations and discussions will focus on case studies suggested by participants.
All participants in the workshop will receive complimentary membership in BSA-VT.
This course earns 6 AIA-HSW CEUs.
Weather Date: Thurs., Jan. 16 at Dept. of Fire Safety, 1311 US 302, Barre, VT
Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be better able to:
understand and apply Vermont's current Access Rules (based on the new version of ADA, 2010)
understand Vermont's categories of new construction and renovation, including which codes apply
apply Chapter 43 of NFPA to existing and historic buildings
evaluate the balance between requirements for new and existing construction, as well as accessibility, with historic structures
discuss strategies for design/construction with building officials, owners, and other professionals.
Kathy Gips, Director of Training, New England ADA Center
Judy Hayward, Executive Director, Historic Windsor and Preservation Education Institute
Bob Patterson, Deputy Director, Vermont Dept. Public Safety's Division of Fire Safety
Please email your questions about specific code and construction circumstances for review during the session to:
$60 per person includes the full day of training, continental breakfast, lunch and a one-year membership in the ICC Building Safety Association of Vermont!
To Register, select your category from the drop-down menu, then click on “Buy Now”.
If you are not able to use your credit card or PayPal online, or if you have any questions, please call or email: Sandra Vitzthum, President BSA-VT at 802-223-1806
Old Schoolhouse at VTC - At intersection of S. Randolph Rd. & E. Bethel Rd.