IBC Structural Code Training & Annual Meeting (completed)
Post date: Mar 12, 2013 5:45:56 PM
Please join us for:
CodeTraining: Structural Provisions of the 2012 IBC
BSA-VT's Annual Meeting
Wednesday, June 5th, 2013
7:30 am - 3:45 pm
Norwich University
Northfield, VT
Vermont's Fire and Building Safety Code refer all structural regulation to the 2012 International Building® (IBC®). This intermediate-level workshop will review all structural chapters of the 2012 IBC and practice applying concepts in case studies.
During the lunch break, the Annual Meeting of BSA-VT will be held. New officers will be sworn in, and representatives of national ICC and the New England region will give brief updates to the chapter. All participants in the workshop will receive complimentary membership in BSA-VT.
Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be better able to:
- Explain specific tables in the 2012 IBC for applicable situations.
- Identify code requirements that apply to actual situations.
- Discuss the intent behind a given code requirement.
- Interpret requirements for a scenario as compliant or non-compliant.
Instructor: Gary Nelson, Senior Staff Engineer, ICC
Gary L. Nelson, PE, is currently a Senior Staff Engineer for the ICC/Plan Review Department in Chicago. He is responsible for conducting building plan reviews of proposed construction, writing and dispensing verbal code interpretations, assisting in the production of training products, and teaching seminars. Before working with ICC and BOCA, Mr. Nelson was a design engineer with Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, and holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
$85 per person includes the full day of training, continental breakfast, lunch and a one-year membership in the ICC Building Safety Association of Vermont!
7:30 - 8:00 Registration and Voting for BSA-VT Board
8:00- 11:50 IBC Training Part I (3.5 hrs, two breaks)
11:50- 1:00 Lunch and BSA-VT Annual Meeting
1:00 - 3:45 IBC Training Part II (2.5 hrs, one break)
Continuing Education Credits
6 hours AIA-HSW (SD designation is discontinued) and/or ICC.
Participants will receive a certificate at the end of the session, and learning units (LU's) will be automatically credited for AIA members in the AIA-CES system.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors for supporting this training and safe,sustainable building practices in Vermont!
To Register, select your category from the drop-down menu, then click on “Buy Now”.
EVENT COMPLETED - Registration Link removed
Thank You !
If you are not able to use your credit card or PayPal online, or if you have any questions, please call or email: Sandra Vitzthum, President BSA-VT at 802-223-1806
Limited to 75 participants