March 6th Seminar Announcement (Completed)
Post date: Feb 24, 2014 3:36:31 PM
Fire Risk Management and Protection Strategies for Historic Buildings
Thursday, March 6, 9:00 am -4:00 pm
Main Street Landing ( Corner of Lake and College Streets) Burlington, Vermont
$50 includes information packet, instruction, and morning refreshments.
Architects and planners may earn 5 AIA HSW Learning Units
Sponsored by the Burlington Certified Local Government within the Office of Planning in cooperation with The Fire Safety Institute, The Heritage Protection Group, and Historic Windsor's Preservation Education Institute. The course has been funded by the US National Park Service Certified Local Government Program and the course content was developed with funding from a grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.
Fire Protection Engineers, Nick Artim and Jack Watts will lead the program. Low-cost strategies for fire prevention, detection, and suppression will be addressed.
To register call: Judy Hayward at 802 674-6752 or email her at Preservation Education Institute
See Link below for flyer and registration form.